Getting into Graduate School: A Panel

   A discussion of what graduate schools are looking for in their students, and how to be successful once you are admitted. Moderated by Cecilia Fasano.

Careers Outside Academia: A Panel

   A look at just a few of the many paths outside of academia with those who have a physics background but now are in education, industry, and business. Moderated by Sarah Henderson.

Resume Workshop: "From Bullets to Telling Your Story"

   Together we will, (1) Review an example resume that went through a significant overhaul, (2) Key in on how to organize your resume sections and cut out the bulk, (3) Tell your story by what you've done and what you've built, and (4) most importantly focus on getting to the details of your experience in a limited amount of space. Please bring a printed copy of your own resume to discuss. Coordinated by Amanda Acevedo

Science and Society 

  A look at how science and society are meshed together, particularly a look at how to advocate for your science with those who make policy decisions and how to get involved with science communication. Moderated by Riley Troyer.

NASA mission primer

   University of Iowa has a historic record of being involved with many NASA missions to the sun and other planets. You will hear from some of the scientists involved in a number of these missions, discuss their various roles and how students can get involved. Moderated by Rachael Filwett.

Python Workshop

   Python is a main coding language for many types of scientific disciplines. Bring your laptop for this hands-on workshop that will walk you through some of the skills you need for STEM disciplines. All skill levels welcome! Moderated by Charlotte Christensen.

Communicating your Research: A Workshop

   Science uses a variety of mediums to communicate research, abstracts, posters, presentations, papers, elevator pitches, etc. Come to this workshop to get tips and tricks on how to put together effective presentations for your work. Coordinated by Firdevs Duru.

Navigating Majority Spaces: Examples and Discussion 

   Many fields of science are still male dominated, meaning that many of us spend a lot of time in male dominated spaces. We may also experience many situations when we are not in the majority due to our race, sexual identity, disability status, or religion. This group will discuss the issues and situations that you have/may encounter. We will provide examples, discuss how to handle those situations, and how to be a good ally and stand up for others.  Moderated by Allison Jaynes.